I walk alone or with friends, walking alone enables me to look much more closely at the nature I find and I have to admit every walk shows me something new. That includes history as well as nature!
This week I devised a 6 mile Rail to Trail route for a couple of friends so we had a plan for a morning walk. The idea was to avoid too much car travelling for us all. I need to do this walk again before I add it to the website but it exceeded my expectations despite continuous drizzle all morning. But that's not a problem when there's a nice cafe at the end!
The walk covered a lot of less well known National Trust land and nestled beneath the North Downs Way with no hills to speak of. An historic, rather esoteric surprise was finding a rather grand monument to a son of William Wilberforce, who was a Bishop of Winchester, and fell off his horse and died there! We also passed a house noting it was the home of Trevor Howard, actor of Brief Encounter and The Third Man fame (only known to those of us with a lot of miles on the clock)! The memorable scene in Brief Encounter links slightly to the fact we parked at a station - with free parking, a great find, and returned on a train from the end. Watch out for this new Rail to Trail walk, it cost me £3 for the train journey although I was stung a little in addition when it was my turn to buy coffee and cakes for all at the end!
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